Anthony Brandt Interview
Exploring Creativity with Anthony Brandt: the transcript to the interview; the podcast and video linked here.
Anthony Brandt is an acclaimed composer who is also a multi-disciplinary researcher. Dr. Brandt is a Professor at Rice University and co-founder and Artistic Director of Musiqa. Like many people worldwide, I had first learned of his work as co-author with neuroscientist David Eagleman, of the amazing book “The Runaway Species: How Human Creativity Remakes the World”. We started this episode with an overview of that book, and Tony’s passion for the importance of encouraging creativity at all stages of life comes through in our discussion of his research, compositions, teaching and mentoring. You’ll hear about how he and other researchers are using mobile brain body imaging, and how research into the arts are so important to the development of neuroscience. You’ll learn about his unique childhood, his mentors and approach to composing and teaching composition, his valuable insights on presenting new music and how integrating art forms can help to connect with audiences. We’re also shining a light on his recent album of string quartet music Meeting of Minds and LiveWire, which are both collaborations with the NobleMotion Dance Company and the University of Houston Brain Center. Central to this episode is the importance of creativity, and different ways to investigate and explore that.
Veronica Thomas Transcript E6 S1
Full transcript of my conversation with the engaging Veronica Thomas, a violinist, educator and General Director of the Preville Fine Arts Centre in Montreal. We talked about her unique and interesting childhood, and the wonderful and special work that the Preville Centre is doing, including their unique online offerings, the outreach they’ve been doing with remote Indigenous communities, and Veronica’s personal perspectives on her life in music. Included are links to the video, and podcast, with bonus episodes.